Thank You!

look DSCN1895 DSCN1887 DSCN1890DSCN1857Thanks everyone for your comments regarding diet. That is my next challenge.  The crockpot suggestion sounds like a winner!

Ollie makes progress daily. It’s hard to describe how, but little things occur to me each day. He is up and moving on his own. We only use the sling to help support him when peeing. Then it’s a race back to his bed or a cushion outside. It’s great to see his pre-surgery personality slowly emerge. The crying when he gets up doesn’t seem as bad. At some point he will probably continue just to get a massage. He’s not just another pretty face!

I’m finally posting some pics. They aren’t the best, but want everyone to see our boy. I’ve also included Otis and Silly as they are on this journey with us too. As you can see, his incision is healing really well. It never looked inflamed. There was just some bruising apparent.

The vet said that the chemo would be administered intravenously. Has anyone had experience this way? I’d love to hear. It seems that I read at some point that Jerry didn’t have chemo this way?? Could you let me know why?

Again, thank you for your help. You guys are amazing!


3 thoughts on “Thank You!”

  1. Are you kidding? Those photos are GREAT! You have a lovelyf family!

    What a great mug Otis has……love that face! And that Silly kitty is very photogenic!

    Your sweet, sweet Oilli looks like he’s enjoying just being zonked out and waiting for his next hug!

    His surgery site really, really looks good! Much better than so e others……….like Happy Hannah’s!

    I know it’s hard to “wait” for the recovery, but he really is ahead of the curve already! Now, he will probably take n’ step forward and the next day take a step back for he next two weeks…..especially the first week. The fact that you already see so e sparkle is amazing!

    Yeah, chemo IV with constant supervision during the process normal.

    Martha, applause to you for stay I g strong and pawsitive:-) It can be challenging at first, but it sounds like recover is going very well! GOOD JOB MOM!

    Look forward to more photos… photos….especially with a subject as handsome as Ollie!!

    Hugs to ALL,

    Sally and Hapy Hannah

  2. That just means that they put a catheter in his vein and inject the chemo through that. That way, none of it can touch him outside of his vein. It’s a fairly quick process and I am in and out with Athena in 25 minutes usually. Thank you for sharing your pictures and stay strong Ollie!

  3. So glad to hear Ollie is improving. We love to celebrate the baby steps.

    Like Sally said, his incision looks great.

    What a beautiful family you have!

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