2 Days Out

This is my first attempt at blogging. I read others – mostly home decorating, etc. – but, when our 10 year old dog Ollie broke his front left leg,  I had to find others who have also gone through this ordeal. His leg was amputated the evening of May 27.

When the vet first showed us the x-ray of his broken leg, it took my breath away. I knew this was a break that could not be repaired and my mind immediately went to places I didn’t want to go. Then when amputation was brought up, my mind could not conceive that kind of procedure.  I  just wanted Ollie to be out of pain. After much discussion, our family decided we wanted Ollie around longer and if he could have a good quality of life, then we would go ahead with the amputation.

It is now Thursday evening. We brought him home yesterday. So far, he has mostly been sleeping, although has perked up a bit later this afternoon.  I have taken him out several times which he is not happy about, but seems to be getting a little stronger each time. He still has not figured out how to pee and I’ve done about 4 loads of laundry today. My inconvenience seems inconsequential compared to what he is going through. I’m hoping tomorrow will be better for him. I know once he is off the medication he will be more like our wonderful Ollie, with 1 less leg, and that is more than I could ask for.

I know we have a road ahead of us – we await pathology results showing whether the cancer they are 90% sure is the reason for the break, has spread to his lymph node. We know his lungs and chest are clear, which is a positive sign. There will most likely be chemo and a lot of unknown. We are just happy Ollie is here with us.


7 thoughts on “2 Days Out”

  1. Welcome Ollie! So sorry you needed to find us but so happy you did. And I’m really sorry for the painful broken leg. At least your family took the pain away and now you can get back to the business of being a dog.

    Ollie’s mama, I think sometimes the boy dogs have a hard time figuring out the peeing business. My Dakota insisted on lifting a leg, which he simply could not do. He’d try, falter, stumble, look embarrassed, look to see if anyone noticed and then run away. Within about 5 days, he quit trying to lift and found the funky body position that he used for the rest of his life. Ollie has to find what works for him.

    I wish Ollie a smooth recovery with as few bumps as possible. I hope for very good pathology news. Make sure to keep us posted on how he’s doing. And pictures! We need pictures!


    1. Thank you to everyone who has replied to my first attempt at blogging. Writing about Ollie (and Otis and Silly) makes it easy. As soon as I can I’ll post some pictures. Everyday he looks more like himself – altho the meds still make him a little sleepy. We should start weaning a little off soon, but as you all know, it’s a juggling act at this point.


  2. Martha,
    It is good to see you start a blog. I have a female dog so peeing is a little easier but Ollie will figure it out. Each day it gets better.

    Glad to see in you the chat also

    Michelle & Sassy

  3. Welcome to our team Ollie! We’re glad to meet you, but wish you didn’t have to be here. The first two weeks are the ones with the most struggles and some take a little longer, but you soon see the dog you’ve always know with a spark because you took the pain away.

    Shooter only fell once before he figured out he had to go back to peeing like he did as a puppy. He’s quite annoyed he can’t mark very well, but lives with it!

    You will be amazed at how much tighter your bond with Ollie becomes through this process. Enjoy every minute with him. He’s going to show you what a great tripawd he is!!

    Luanne & Shooter

  4. Ha! I UST wrote a reply on your other post ask I g if you had started your ownthread/blog…and here you are!!

    This laptop thing seems to fade out and stop so will have to rite more later.

    Just glad he’s home and walking !

    Sending you support and strength,

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  5. oh my… hello Ollie!! I can only imagine the pain that poor boy felt when his leg broke! Ouch! But now.. he is pain free.. and he will get that 3 legged hop down pat in no time! My Franklin had his front left leg amputated too and it certainly made belly rubs alot easier without that limb!!! lol Once he gets the Tripawd gait down pat.. there will be no catching up to him! Good luck with his recovery! Be aware.. they become so damn cute when they are a Tripawd… they are irresistable!!!

  6. Welcome Ollie and family. So glad you found this wonderful website. It is full of amazing people and their tripawds and monkeybutts (4 legged furry supporters to their tripawds) and you will gain a lot of strength, support and information here.
    Check out the forums too.

    Yes, the 1st 2 weeks are the hardest. After that, Ollie will figure out his new normal. You can take him to water therapy if you have that near you for him to figure out his balance and new gait. I know it really helped our Hunter in the beginning. After his stitches are out he should be cleared for mild exercise.

    Take it one day at a time and you will see your friend emerge and thank you for taking away his pain. You did the right thing and now we will keep our paws crossed that it is not cancer that caused the break. But if it is, more information on your next steps can be found right here.

    You can read our Hunter’s blog at http://www.superdog.tripawds.com for info and photos…

    Wishing you all the best!

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